青岛九中 2020-03-02 09:33


  第二届和第三届峰会的“两朝元老”的Karma,是青岛九中的姊妹学校——新西兰南岛Geraldine high school的毕业生,现在已经迎来了大学生活。新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,他很惦记九中的小伙伴,专门拍摄了微视频,送上了赤道另一端的问候——

  你好,Everyone, my name is Karma, attending 2018 summit in China and 2019 summit in Christchurch.朋友们,你好,我是Karma,我曾参加过2018年在青岛举行,2019年在基督城举行的中国-新西兰未来青年领袖国际峰会。

  I am here to wish all of you a successful and happy new start to a new semester. Myself also start a new semester as well, I am currently studying at University of Otago in Dunedin in New Zealand.我在此预祝大家新学期一切顺利。我自己也开始了一个新的学期,我目前正在新西兰达尼丁的奥塔哥大学学习。

  So I kind of understanding what you going to be through. First few weeks is gonna be hard,that’s gonna pushing you at first two weeks, putting the grade work.我想这也是未来你们都会面临的经历。刚开始的几周会很艰难,但它会促使你去努力前进,并完成学习上的功课。

  After a while, you will get better, you will get hang of everything. Study for yourself is big thing, I know you guys can do it, I know you guys could make it through.不久之后,你们会变得越来越优秀,也会对大学生活开始得心应手。学习对你们是一件非常重要的事情,我知道你们能够并且出色的完成这些任务。

  I had a pleasure visiting you school back in 2018 for the summit to Qingdao No.9 High School, and it was just amazing, how great the school, how great teachers you have.我非常荣幸可以在2018年,参加由青岛九中举办的峰会活动,时至今日我依然对九中美丽的校园和优秀老师们印象深刻。

  It is just a great school, you guys are so lucky that you have it, you have the great opportunity to go far and well. So put on working here, everything is here for you.你们应该为你们拥有一所很棒的学校而感到幸运,学校提供给你们很多机会让你们去走得更高更远。

  所以请在学校里继续加油好好学习,未来你们将会有更多的机会。For me, I have this opportunity to come to your school at 2018 and came to China in July, what shock me most is the culture, how different it was. And I think it really helped me to prepare for my rest of my life, so I thank you guys for that, making me a better person.对我来说,我非常高兴有机会在2018年7月来到中国学校。最让我震惊的是中国的文化,同时我也发现中国的文化和新西兰的文化有非常大的差异,这段经历给了我很多的启发,为我后续的人生规划打下了基础。非常感谢和你们相遇,因为你们,我变得更优秀起来。

  And I hope that maybe in the summer, in the holiday, you guys will have the opportunity to come here, to another west country to experience the culture shock, you know.我希望也许在这个夏天,在未来的某个假期里,你们将有机会继续来到我生活的地方,一起感受不同国家文化之间的碰撞。

  The people in the summit last year in 2019 had the best time, you can just see them, some of them in you school as well, had the best time to experience the culture.去年在2019年峰会的期间,我们大家一起度过了非常难忘的美好时光,体验了不同文化的交流。

  I just think that you have the best opportunity, go there and take it.我认为,你们正拥有最好的机会,应该去尝试去体验一下这个峰会。Anyway, all in all, I want to say is all the best for your new semester, I am sending my love in New Zealand, University of Otago. I hope you guys will have a great year. Thank you very much,谢谢!无论如何,我想表达的,还是对你们新学期开始的祝愿。我在新西兰,奥塔哥大学传递我的祝福。希望你们可以度过美好的一年,感谢!
